How to Experience More Energy & Less Overthinking

Overthinking and energy blockages are two related problems.

Lots of energy is spent, everyday, by so many of us, feeding different thoughts, mostly about the past, or the future. Energy is trapped at the level of the head, replaying scenarios and “what if” situations.

How to experience more energy and less overthinking, blog article, energy healing, Aynua Amazonas, Peru

In our latest video, we explore some of the reasons why the mind occupies such a big place in our lives, and how we can easily change this tendency, in order to liberate and access more of our precious energy.

Eventually, we come to a place where we need to make more space for other energy centers to be nourished. This can be done with powerful and ancient forms of energy healing, like the Munay-Ki, which is designed to activate all of our energy centers.

To learn more, click here.

Blessings from Northern Peru.

Alku Mateus


Earth Keeping is a Path to Healing & Transformation


Be Supported Every Day by the 9 Munay-Ki Initiation Rites