For Highly Sensitive Spiritual Seekers
The Safest Space to Learn One of the Most Ancient & Empowering Forms of Energy Medicine
Experience a Unique Shamanic Initiation, Live Streamed from the Sacred Mountain Energy of Northern Peru. Includes the 9 Rites of the Munay-Ki plus the Rite of the Womb & The New Rite of the Serpent.
dates: NOVEMBER 12 - DECEMBER 17, 2024
DURATION: 6 classes over 6 WEEKS
This Munay-Ki Initiation is More than the Rites it Contains
It is a journey of personal transformation during which you will receive spiritual mentorship to help you access the next level of your evolution.
An Ancient Spiritual Initiation
Munay-Ki Rites have been received ages ago by the indigenous people of the Andes mountains, in Peru. The rites empower the people who receive them, enabling them to transform their lives for the better. They are given as the next step in the evolution of humanity, intended to shift and elevate human consciousness.
During this online training offered from the high-energy mountains of Northern Peru, you will receive the initiatory Munay-Ki Rites, plus the Rite of the Womb, and the new Rite of the Two-Headed Serpent. You will also learn how to pass the rites to others, for when you feel ready and completely initiated.
A Supportive Journey of Activation
This training welcomes each participant on a personal journey of healing and profound transformation. Over a period of 10 weeks, you will receive the Munay-Ki activations, and begin to integrate them in your life.
To nourish your body, mind and spirit as you welcome the rites, the course brings together a supportive combination of guided meditation, mesa initiation, sacred site activation in Peru, healing from Q’ero Elders, and personal support and expression.
What is Munay-Ki?
The Loving Energy of the Heart
Munay means “Love” in the Quechua language of the Andes. Ki means energy. So Munay-Ki beautifully translates to the “Energy of Love”. The Munay-Ki are traditional rites of empowerment based on the initiation practices of the Q’ero Shamans of the Andes and the Amazon.
Alberto Villoldo, a medical anthropologist, travelled to South America to study the medicine and healing ways of the indigenous people, living and learning with them over a period of several decades. Alberto brought back the lessons to the rest of the world, faithfully sharing the Andean teachings in a way that is easily adopted by Westerners to assist in the uplifting of humanity.
The Seeds of Energetic Transmissions
The Munay-Ki Rites are gifted in the form of energetic transmissions, shared in silence to create a stronger experience and connection. These transmissions are like spirit seeds planted in our energetic bodies, healing the wounds of the past, transforming our energy field, and opening us up to the vast potential within us.
The Q’ero share karpays in Peru when a person is walking the Mesa Path, and creating their shamanic altar. The Munay-Ki gives you these rites even before you work with your mesa, and raises your vibration as you practice them afterwards.
Clarity, Energy & Connection
Watch Alku Mateus, founder of Aynua, presenting the 3 main benefits of the Munay-Ki Initiation
What You Will Learn
The Energy of the Munay-Ki Rites are Profound & Powerful
These teachings offer healing, direction, and substance to our lives. You will experience a newly profound awareness and elevation of self, as you dissolve attachments that no longer serve, and are called to become the Homo-Luminous.
Create a Ceremonial & Sacred Offering
Learn how to manifest a sacred space, which will bring empowerment and healing to yourself and those around you, including mesa work and ritual practices.
Connect Deeply With Your Luminous Energy Field
Learn about your own energy, how to deflect negative influences and clear heavy build up, and how to connect with the wisdom of a lineage of luminous ones who work from the spirit world. Understand, work with, and grow your relationship with the elements that form and inform your being.
Become a Supportive & Compassionate Presence
Through working on your own healing, and connecting with a lineage of healers from the past, you will become a more intuitive and powerful practitioner, that can fully be present for yourself, and for your clients.
The Munay-Ki Rites are about stewardship, not achievements. Only from a position of humility, compassion, and integrity, can we truly be of service.
“If you are looking to receive the Munay-Ki from a place of authenticity, then I highly recommend signing up with Diana & Alku. They both hold the most beautiful and sacred space for these rites to be received.”
— Delia, Canada
Content of the Training
Healer Rite
Connects you to a lineage of luminous healers from the past, who come to assist in your personal transformation. Awakens the healing power in your hands so that everyone you touch is blessed. These luminous ones work in our sleep to heal the wounds of the past and of our ancestors.
Bands of Power & Protection
Five luminous belts are woven into your luminous energy field (LEF) for protection. They act as filters, breaking down any negative energy that comes toward you into one of the five elements. These energies then feed your LEF instead of making you ill.
Harmony Rite
Transmission of the 7 Archetypes into the chakras. First you receive serpent, jaguar, hummingbird and eagle into your four lower chakras; next you receive three archetypes: the Keeper of the Lower World (our unconscious), the Keeper of the Middle World (our waking world), and the Protector of the Upper World (our super-conscious).
Seer Rite
Extra-cerebral pathways of light are installed to connect the visual cortex with your third eye and heart chakra. This awakens the “inner seer” and your ability to perceive the invisible world of energy and Spirit.
Daykeeper Rite
Vibration of Angels and Archangels — You connect to a lineage of masters from the past. Daykeepers are able to call on the ancient altars to heal and bring balance to the earth, call on the sun to rise each day, and bring humans into harmony with Mother Earth. They are the midwives, herbalists and curanderas. This rite helps you begin to heal your inner feminine, step beyond fear, and practice peace.
Wisdomkeeper Rite
You connect to a lineage of luminous teachers from the past and the future. This rite is associated with the snow-capped mountains, perhaps a distant memory of our ancestors from the Himalayas. This rite helps you to begin to heal your inner masculine, step outside of time, become steeped in the medicine teachings, and taste infinity.
Earthkeeper Rite
This rite connects you to the archangels that are stewards of all life on Earth. This rite connects you to the stars, and to the sun, our local star. It helps you learn the ways of dreaming the world into being.
Starkeeper Rite
This rite anchors you safely to the time after the great change. Your physical body begins to evolve into homo luminous, the aging process is slowed down, your DNA is re-informed, and you become more resistant to disease.
Creator Rite
Awakens the Creator-light within and brings forth a sense of stewardship for all creation, from the smallest grain of sand to the largest cluster of galaxies in the universe. Once attained only through direct transmission from Spirit, it is now possible to transmit from one person to another. As you work with embodying these rites you’ll be touched and blessed by angels. You simply need to open yourself to the wisdom of the Earthkeepers, and all is bestowed upon you.
Rite of the Womb
This rite was brought forth by Marcela Lobos as she explored the feminine traditions. She calls it the 13th Rite (however there are no 10th, 11th or 12th Rite of the Munay Ki). This rite comes from a lineage of women who freed themselves from suffering. This lineage of women wants us to remember: the womb is not a place to store fear and pain; the womb is a place to create, and give birth to life.
The New Rite of the Serpent
Received from Spirit in 2022 by Alku Mateus, in Northern Peru, this new rite carries the essence of unity, through reconciliation with a dualistic world. It is a rite of mature masculine energy, intended to help us face conflicts, stand up for ourselves, and respect the diversity of all human perspectives. The energy of this rite invites us to move beyond opposition, so we can embrace complementarity, the sacredness of each human being, and the richness of our planet. To learn more, click here.
Guided Meditations for Activation & Integration
Receive the support of guided visualizations, to visit the deep realms of your subconscious and remind you of all the support you have from your ancestors on your journey here on Earth. As you heal your ancestral lineage, you open up to new beginnings so you can live a life of integrity, in harmony with nature’s elements.
Personal Development & Guidance
With loving presence, we offer a safe space where you can work through anything that arises and allow yourself to connect with your sacred energy, as you step into your true power. On-going support after the training can be organized at a separate cost, as well as an opportunity to partake in Lunar Ceremonies.
Included in this Training
Full Initiation & Training in the Munay-Ki Rites
PDF Companion Guide
Access to the Video Recording of Each Class
Guided Visualizations & Meditations
Spiritual Mentorship to Fully Integrate & Activate the Initiation
250g of Aynua Ceremonial Cacao & Macambo Shipped to Your Door
3 Important Benefits of Receiving this Initiation
Your energy channels open up to new dimensions, bringing you into a state of clarity never experienced before;
You stop wasting your precious energy in areas where you feel lost, so your energy level goes up, for what truly matters to you;
And finally, you get to experience a renewed sense of connection with your sacred heart, knowing more than ever what you need to do, in order to serve the world in a fulfilling way.
Is this Training for You?
The energy of the Munay-Ki rites is available to all human beings. Whether you choose this path for personal healing and growth, or to facilitate healing in others, the Munay-Ki Rites are a gift that will bless every aspect of your life. Enter this path with sincere intention and an open heart, and you will leave with a deeper sense of purpose and connection.
If you are already practicing as a healer, this training will enhance your existing gifts enormously. You will also learn to give the rites to others and contribute to shifting human consciousness and the evolution of humanity. As the initiations accelerate your transformation and evolution, we recommend that you continue to do your personal work, so that you are fully supported in your healing journey. The more personal work you do, the more space you create to integrate the rites.
“The Munay-Ki has opened and expanded my heart. I connect more deeply to my inner power. My visions are becoming more clear. Diana & Alku are amazing teachers, present, and open.”
— Monica, Canada
Meet Your Teachers
Diana Deer Hawk, Founder & Shamanic Teacher, Aynua Amazonas
Alku Mateus, Founder & Shamanic Teacher, Aynua Amazonas
Diana Deer Hawk first received the Munay-Ki rites in 2014 in Peru, and upon receiving them again in 2019, it was time to pass them on to others. These rites are integral in accompanying her offerings, as they play a key role in helping people connect with their heart, and their life purpose.
Alku Mateus embodies the wisdom of the human emotional journey, and received the rites in 2019. Through his personal experience and teachings, he helps people empower themselves and liberate stagnant energy to cultivate appreciation for life, and revive the potential in each human being.
Together, in their teachings and passing of the rites, they bring a balance of masculine and feminine wisdom, to accompany people through energy upgrades and a sacred connection with nature.
Free Clarity Call
If you need to make sure that this training is the right fit for you, schedule a free 30min clarity call on Zoom.
October 8 - November 26, 2024
The Aynua Munay-Ki Initiation is a unique live online training offered on Zoom. This course includes 8 classes of 2 hours, over the course of 8 weeks.
$1,188.00 USD
Satisfaction 100% Guarantee
We are confident that you are going to like this training. However, if you feel that this training is not for you, after the first live class, we will give you a full refund.
You can benefit from the guarantee if you send your claim up to 24 hours after the end of the first live class on Zoom. In that case, we will then emit a full refund of the cost of the training.