Be Supported Every Day by the 9 Munay-Ki Initiation Rites

Experience the Power of the Munay-Ki Energy Initiations

Right now is a very special and powerful time for each human being to discover their ability of weaving a conscious path, for themselves, and for future generations. This is why the Q’ero medicine keepers of the Munay-Ki rites, who live in the Andes mountains of Peru, are sharing this wisdom with humanity today. We are ready.

Be supported by the Munay-Ki Initiation Rites, ancient energy healing, shamanic practice, Aynua Amazonas, Peru

These ancient energy activations are thousands of years old, tracing back to the Laika medicine people. To pass on these rites, people must be available consciously to open up so they can receive them, share them with integrity, and activate them through personal practice and unity consciousness.

Each of the 9 rites are energetic seeds that are transmitted in our energy fields. They must be nurtured, and watered like precious life forms. To truly connect to life, is the beginning of how empowering it is to hold your own life in the most sacred way, and be an example of this for others. The Munay- Ki will awaken the sacred within you.

Opening the 3 Main Energy Centers

The energetic passing of the rites allows you to open, and align, three main energy centers: Lankay, at the navel area of the body, Munay in the heart center, and Llachay at the level of the third eye.

Supporting these energetic shifts, is the unconditional love of Mother Earth, the feminine wisdom, the human heart, the balance of feminine and masculine, and Father Sun, the masculine protector and provider. Pachamama the spirit of the Earth, the Q’ero lineage, the Apu mountains, and the energy of each rite themselves, are thanked and honored. Sacred altars also assist in maintaining this connection to nature, and all that you are.

The Essence of the Munay-Ki Rites

We begin with four foundation rites that allow you to shed what no longer serves within you, and your lineage. They also enrich daily rituals and practices to help you navigate life’s challenges, protection as an empathetic being, moments to re-charge, and integrate. Power animals, energetic gifts, and guided meditations assist you on your personal journey. As the foundation rites settle in, you can remember and re-concile with the beauty and intelligence of nature within.

The 5 rites that proceed the foundation rites help you connect with the Earth, your heart, the star beings, and guardians of the galaxy that accompany you to create a life where your place in the universe is more significant than you can put in words. The way you show up for yourself, and those you serve, after receiving the Munay-Ki rites, will greatly shine as your homo-luminous energy field upgrades to a potential you are meant to know in this life-time, and in the infinite.

The Synchronicities & Messages In Your Life Make Sense

As each seed of the rites germinate and grow, an ancient wisdom awakens within you. Every day becomes cherished, and synchronicities and messages you receive, anchor in, connect the dots, and steer towards a meaningful, purposeful experience.

You realize that you have the capacity to ask yourself what you need, receive insights from your body as to what to do to take better care, create a life you love, look at challenges with a new lens, and share your creative gifts with those around you with passion. Your connection with the Earth, heart, and celestial bodies magnifies, and suddenly you know you belong.

Blessings from Northern Peru,

Diana Deer Hawk

To experience the Munay-Ki Rites, click here.


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