Earth Keeping is a Path to Healing & Transformation

Caring for earth, is a way to give thanks and to transform

When we put our hands in earth, we receive nutrients from the soil, and we are able to use our hands to turn the soil for new growth.

The grounding energies we receive from gardening or farming, create a foundation to feel safe and connected in our bodies. As we connect, healing and transformation is accessible on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level.

  • Physically there is the ability to be purposeful, and creative by transforming a blank canvas of dark soil, into a beautiful garden or growing food. Being outdoors in the sun helps boost our mood, and activates life force energy.

  • Emotionally, unresolved memories may arise, giving us the opportunity to feel what has been repressed, and channel that energy towards the soil. It is a great opportunity to transform limiting beliefs, and choose a path of self love, and confidence.

  • Mentally, thoughts can purge out, as we head from nervous system overstimulation, into a harmonious connection with nature.

  • Spiritually, there are moments of bliss that can arise from immersing oneself in a creative endeavor, as a creator, fully uninhibited by any outside influence or judgement.

Earth keeping is a path to healing and transformation, blog Aynua Amazonas, Diana Deer Hawk, earth medicine, ceremonial cacao

Connecting with Earth in Cities

Planting flowers or herbs in your apartment, balcony, or outdoor area can also bring similar benefits as growing a large garden or farming can bring. The earth element is known for connecting us to our planet, and to our own earth bodies.

Often when people live on the second, third floor of a building, they are not sleeping or living directly on the ground, causing even more distance and connection to earth itself. This is why cultivating plants, and walking barefoot is so important.

Community gardens are also springing up in some cities. It is a great way to meet people, and grow food or flowers in your neighborhood.

Ritual for Transformation

As you prepare to plant seeds in a fresh garden bed, take a moment to listen to your state of being.

What thoughts or memories are arising, or have been lingering in your energy field lately? How does this connect to your lineage? Do you recognize patterns or repetition?

Once the theme is clear, offer the seeds into the earth with the intention of releasing this pattern, and transforming it into new growth within yourself, and your life. Visualize an image of growth, or feel the essence within you.

By caring for earth, we are directly relating to the cycle of life, death, and re-birth. We take out the weeds, we re-purpose the soil, plant new seeds, and watch it bloom. This is also a rhythm that takes place within us. You are partaking in a reciprocal act of love, and experiencing transformation.

Connecting with Earth Medicine

The earth apothecary is vast, and so many plants can help ease our uncomfortable symptoms, or help boost our immune systems and energy levels.

Did you know that the body carries a high level of intelligence, that if you were to ask your own body what it needs, you will receive an answer? This is how deep one’s connection to earth can be.

Cacao is a great example of one of the medicines that support all levels of human energy systems, and tastes delicious. The amount of nutrients in cacao making it a superfood, is numerous, as well as the boost in serotonin a mood enhancer, high amounts of antioxidants to activate blood flow from the heart to the rest of the body. These medicines are meant to support us in living a fulfilling life full of life force energy.

Each of us can discover the diverse ways to include the benefits of earth more in our lives in relation to our circumstances. City or rural living, through smoothies or medicinal beverages, rituals, in the work place, and activities with our children. The antidote to imbalance, is to find balance through direct contact with our home, the earth, your sacred body, and creation itself.

Blessings from Northern Peru.

Diana Deer Hawk


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