Frequently Asked Questions About Ceremonial Cacao, Healing & Personal Transformation


What is Ceremonial Cacao?

Ceremonial cacao starts on the land, where the farmers bless the trees, and the harvest. The pods and fruits are carefully selected, based on freshness and best quality. The beans are chosen and peeled to ensure that only the good ones will be included in the making of the paste. Nothing added, nothing removed, to maintain all the benefits and essential healthy fat. The steps are: blessing of the trees, hand picking of the pods, fermentation in wooden boxes, drying in the sun, roasting at low temperature, grounding, and melting at low temperature, to create the highest quality cacao paste. Nothing added or removed, to preserve all the medicinal qualities of cacao. If you want to learn more about ceremonial cacao, click here.

What is a Cacao Ceremony?

A cacao ceremony is a sacred ritual space where people gather to drink ceremonial cacao, connect with their heart, and transform their lives through respectful guidance and a variety of healing modalities. Ceremonial cacao is honored as a plant ally and heart medicine, to support personal transformation, spiritual growth, and creative exploration. The many healing benefits of ceremonial cacao, combined with the presence of a compassionate space holder, facilitate a shift in the state of being of the participants, from beginning to end, sometimes having shamanic and transcending experiences.

How Can I Become a Cacao Ceremony Facilitator, Cacao Practitioner, or cacao shaman?

In person and online trainings are available now all over the world. How do you know which one is right for you? What kind of learner are you? Do you prefer live sessions, or learn at your own pace with pre-recorded sessions? We invite you to listen to your heart, and to visit our cacao training page, so you can see if this training is right for you.

Is it cultural appropriation to hold cacao ceremonies?

Although the use of cacao in the Amazon jungle is thousands of years old, no specific Peruvian culture is known today as the sole holder of the concept of cacao ceremonies. Since 2014, we have been exploring and discovering the roots and origins of ceremonial cacao in Peru; and we have been serving as a bridge between the lost and ancient heart wisdom of ceremonial cacao, and people from all around the world.

Mayan wisdom keepers who are on the unity consciousness path, offer ceremonies and trainings, in person and online, to people of all parts of the world, so more humans can share the benefits of this sacred medicine. This is the path we are on.

When accusations of cultural appropriation are made, we often feel that these claims are based on the color of the skin, or the birthplace of a person, and don’t take into consideration the deep connection that we all share, from past lives to present time, as human beings. We don’t support the use of assumptions, which are creating more division, harm, and isolation. We live and serve by honoring our ancestors, Mother Earth, and by embodying values of unity, respect, and appreciation for the diversity of humanity.

What Does it Mean to Hold a Safe Space?

Set and setting play an important role in ceremony, to ensure that all participants feel safe and comfortable. It is your responsibility as a space holder to offer a truly compassionate presence, using authentic conscious communication, in order to build trust, and create a space where any kind of emotional release can be received. The choice of your words, and your body language, are key in the transformation that can occur under your care. As a trusted guide, setting healthy boundaries, avoiding any kind of response that isn’t supportive, and keeping the content of your ceremony integral, are some of the main ways to hold a safe space.

How Can I Prepare the Best Ceremonial Cacao at Home?

Create a clean space for you to prepare your cacao, away from distraction. You will need good quality ceremonial cacao, a kettle, a pot, wooden spoons, optional spices, and presence. Using a blender is optional. To find out how to prepare ceremonial cacao at home, visit our preparation page.

I see white spots on my cacao bar, what does this mean?

When white marks appear at the surface of your ceremonial cacao, it simply means that the natural fat contained in the cacao is becoming visible. As ceremonial cacao is made of over 50% of healthy essential fat, this is absolutely normal. It is totally healthy to continue consuming.

What is the shelf life of ceremonial cacaO?

The shelf life may depend on the cacao and where it comes from. Aynua Ceremonial Cacao has a shelf life of 24 months. No need to refrigerate, simply put you cacao in a dry and cool place, away from direct sunlight.

Where did cacao originate on the planet?

The origin of cacao on Earth, as it is now known today, is located in the Amazon jungle region around Southern Ecuador and Northern Peru. Ceramics with cacao residue were found and tested, dated at over 5000 years old.

WHat are the 3 main strains of cacao?

The three main varieties of Theobroma Cacao are: Criollo, Forastero, and Trinitario. Multiple hybrids exist from each strain. Criollo is considered by many to be the finest, and is the one used in the making of Aynua Ceremonial Cacao.

Is it safe to drink cacao during pregnancy?

Cacao is safe to drink during pregnancy. It contains many benefits and nutrients for woman’s health. Choose a low caffeine ceremonial cacao, listen to your body’s needs, and consult a medical practitioner if you wish.

Is there a lot of caffeine in cacao?

Ceremonial Cacao usually has a low caffeine content. Aynua Ceremonial Cacao has only 0.2% of caffeine.


100% Pure dark chocolate van be very similar to ceremonial cacao, but the latest is better and healthier, because it presents the highest nutritional values, and is always made on organic and fair-trade family owned farms, using ancient traditions, like fermentation in wooden boxes, and drying in the sunlight. Ceremonial cacao is, by nature, the best 100% pure dark chocolate you can find for your health.


Yes, ceremonial cacao is always gluten free and vegan. It is 100% pure cacao paste, with nothing added, nothing removed. There is no trace of wheat, or any gluten, and contains no animal product, no cow milk, and no lactose. It is keto and paleo diet friendly, and has no sugar added. The main source of carbs in ceremonial cacao is fiber.


No, 100% pure ceremonial cacao will not make you fat, mainly because it does not contain added sugar, and because the fat contained in the cacao is actually very healthy, and necessary for your body to be balanced and well nourished.


Yes, cacao and chocolate can be poisonous, and might even kill a dog. Cardiac symptoms of chocolate toxicity occur around 40 to 50 mg/kg, and seizures occur at dosages greater than 60 mg/kg. In simpler terms, that means a very concerning dose of chocolate is approximately one ounce of chocolate per pound of body weight.


No, ceremonial cacao is not a drug, and is not illegal. It is simply the purest and highest quality form of cacao, or 100% pure dark chocolate, one can find.

Does Aynua Cacao contain cadmium or lead?

Aynua Cacao is certified cadmium, lead, and mercury free.


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