How Stress is Connected to an Emotional Core Wound

Have you ever experienced stress, without knowing why, exactly, you were stressed?

Maybe you asked yourself: “Why am I so stressed? Nothing, in this situation, is really stressful… I wish I could face this situation without feeling so tense…”

If a situation does not directly involve any real present danger to your safety, or to your capacity to accomplish anything, then where does the stress come from?

Here is a very simple definition of stress:

Stress is the fear of not having your needs met.

Your need to get something done, your need to be ready on time, your need to feel safe, your need to connect, etc. Any fundamental needs that relate to your survival, and to your growth, as a human being.

So, if nothing, in the present moment, threatens your needs, why feel so stressed?

The core reason is, the story and characters that you face are awakening an old fear of not having your needs met.

Stress is related to a fear that was imprinted somewhere in your energetic body, when you were a child or a baby. Here, in this scenario, your essential needs where not met, not nourished quickly enough, or sufficiently. At that moment, you were victim of an emotional core wound.

Next time you feel stressed, in a situation where there is visibly nothing against you, try to pause for a moment.

Take a few seconds to welcome your stress, and to see how the tension is actually linked to your past. Observe how the present moment is replaying a similar situation to when there was a real danger of not having one of your essential needs met, as a child or a baby. You can choose to interpret the event as life giving you an opportunity to heal the past, through the stress you are experiencing, here and now.

Each time you do this, during what appears to be a stressful situation, you choose to walk a path of deep healing and transformation. By bringing consciousness to your story, you are stopping preconditioned behaviors from repeating themselves, with the healing power of your presence, and a sense of compassion, for the origin of your stress.

Blessings from Peru.


PS: If you feel ready to dive deeply in this topic, and become skillful at identifying the root cause of stress, anxiety, and depression, check out our 3 hour workshop, From the Roots Up: The 6 Emotional Core Wounds & Their Antidotes.


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